Wednesday 19 October 2011

Textual Analysis Of Music Videos

The video I am analysing is by a band called Two Door Cinema Club and was directed by James Lees, Warp Film. The genre this music video belongs to is indie rock and the broad characteristics of the genre, this music video has are that is raw, skronky and abrasive. Also, it’s oblique and fractured in its song structure.
There is no apparent link between the video and the lyrics. This is because the video actually has the band is singing the lyrics and performing the song but done in a more theatrical way.  Yet, however when they sing the word basement in their song, a visual representation of the word is presented on the screen.
The music changes from one beat and it then cuts into another. At around 1:55 to 2:10, there is a solo instrumental bit illustrated in the video. The video changes pace with the music, an example of this is when the music is amplified there is much more movement and energy in the video.
The record company are looking to sell this track through many close-ups of the band, to make their face well-known and remembered. The image being offered of the band is that they are smart yet fun, as they are in suits, however they are jumpy and energetic. This video relates to previous videos by band, as they keep their videos energetic and performance based. The band has kept to their motif in this video as the videos are lively and contain a lot of movement; as well also they have kept their style the same.
This video relates to other videos that are also performance based and have the band actually singing. Also, an aspect of the stars image presents how they might be in their actual daily life.
This music video is very much performance based and consists of the band performing their song in a more theatrical way. I have gathered this from the way that they move and the fact that it shows them actually singing the song, this shows that this video isn’t necessarily meant to have a meaning or narrative to it.
In conclusion I think that this music video is a performance-based video that has no narrative behind it. The relationship between the music and the video is that it has visual representations of some of the lyrics. There are many close ups of the artists and the video includes a solo instrumental bit being performed, which is often happens on stage. So all in all this video has many aspects in which a stage performance would include, hence why it is considered an all round performance based music video.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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