Wednesday 7 December 2011


The ideologies attached to my advert are that is should be trendy desirable and good quality, this is because it is a designer brand with a range of excellent clothes.

My advert appeals to my primary target audience, which is teenage to middle aged women who are into fashion and are placed in the social class of A to C1 and that, have a lifestyle category of trendies. My advert appeals to this target audience through persuasive techniques and the use of colours to attract buyers and by having the different styles of clothes being visible on the models. This will push them forward and encourage them to buy my clothes.

Referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, I have addressed the following in my advert; from self-actualization: creativity which is expressed through helping people chose what to wear, from esteem: self-esteem, confidence, respect of others and respect by others, all of which are expressed in similar ways in the advert.

The persuasive techniques I have used in my advert to attract a wider audience are admiration, social appeal, personal appeal and stereotype. This is so i can widen my audience range.

With the three people in my advert, I have tried to present them as unique, to create a sense of freedom. They are set in the wilderness as it creates the aroma of festival season, which is the crowd of people that my brand appeals to. The representation of my models enables more people to find an interest in my brand.

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