Friday 20 May 2011

Film Poster Analysis

The typical codes and convection of a film poster are; to be eye-catching/ captivating, to have a focal picture that will be intriguing, to display a large title that is easily displayed, a suggestion of the film genre, famous actors/actresses to promote the film, has to attract a certain target audience, there is usually a tagline evident, the age certification is usually displayed, the coming soon or release date is displayed and the director and production company is displayed. The information the audience expects to find on a poster is; the name of the movie, what day the movie is released, who is staring in the movie, images or film stills, critic reviews/ anchorage text, and who produced and distributed the movie.

The genre of this film is fantasy, I can depict this information from the poster as the combination of the dark background and white mist shows it’s mysterious and magical. The font of the text shown on the poster looks mystical which is directly linked with fantasy. As well as that the props in this poster are wands and wands are known as objects owned by wizards, witches or magicians. Moreover the location of this poster looks as though it is in a graveyard or a location that links with darkness which tells us that the film is dark, which is normally what it is like in a mystical film.

The facial expressions of Rupert Grint, Robert Patterson, etc have been represented in this poster to look as if they are in awe, whereas Daniel Radcliff looks as though he is ready for a challenge and Emma Watson looks as though she is ready by his side. The setting in this poster has been represented in a way that makes it look as though it is in a graveyard or an area where fear lingers, this is due to the colours used, because the contrast of the light and dark colours in the background create an atmosphere of tension.

The title, which has a lightening design, is protagonist, has the characters name in the title, also it tells us that we can expect at some point in the film they will have to deal with a ‘goblet of fire’. As well as that, the design of the title tells us that it has something to do with ‘lightening’ and looks as if it presents the theme

I think people that would be interested in this film are teenagers, fantasy lovers and people that read the books. Its main and unique selling points are that it is a well-known film, best-seller books and has good reviews.

This film uses intertextuality as it is based on the best-seller book by J.K Rowling, Harry Potter. However, for this particular film, it refers to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as it is a sequel book and film.

The film company that produced this film is Warner Bros, which is a major Hollywood company. This film company placed the posters in various places such as; billboards, buses, websites, TV advertisements, interviews, film festivals, etc.

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