Saturday 27 November 2010

Representation in Advertising

1)     Channel advert: This is a stereotypical advert of how women are represented in the media; this is as she is pretty much bare. This image does not challenge the stereotype of women.

2)     Emporio advert: This is, again, a stereotype of women as her body is on display. This does not challenge the stereotype portrayed of women.

3)     Mulberry advert: This advert is a fashionista stereotype of women in media as they look trendy and stylish. This does not challenge the female stereotype.

4)     Shampoo advert: This advert is once again a stereotypical view of women as she is naked. This does not challenge the stereotypes of women.

5)     Diesel advert: This advert is a stereotype of a female being a fashionista. This advert does kind of challenge the stereotype as it’s quite original by the way it is set.

6)     Dior advert: This advert is a beauty bunny stereotype as the women are all made up and have full-on make up. This does not really challenge the stereotype of women but it doesn’t reveal the full body of the women.

7)     DKNY advert: This advert has some stereotype to it as it shows the female being leaded in a kiss. This shows the whole concept of the masculine role being the leader/breadwinner and the woman as the follower/homemaker. This kind of challenges the stereotype of women as it is quite different in the way it is presented.

8)     D&G advert: This advert is different as it shows different images of women but it is also stereotypical as it portrays them as beauty bunnies. This image kind of challenges the stereotype of women but not that much.

9)     Polo Ralph Lauren advert: This advert is a stereotypical view of women as she looks quite vulnerable in that position. Also, she looks like a fashionista which is a stereotype of women. This doesn’t really challenge the stereotype of women.

10)  Marc Jacobs advert: This advert is very different as there isn’t much in it. However, it does represent a woman as a beauty bunny as she has a lot of make up on. This slightly challenges the stereotype of women in the media as it does not show the woman’s full body which is where the attention is usually drawn to.

In these images there was quite a common pattern between them, as all the images represent the stereotypical view of women. These features in the images kept coming up over and over again. They followed the stereotypical views that there are six types of women, such as the following; the alpha female, the beauty bunny, the fashionista, the perfect mum and the granny. The media always refers to women as being one of the six roles listed above. In my collage the specific theme is of the beauty bunny and the fashionista as they are common with designer brands and beauty care products. Beauty bunnies and fashionista’s are generally young and so appeal to the younger generation. The reason the products usually reach out to the younger community of women and girls is generally because only women and girls of the younger community buy the products.

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